The most obvious issue to me in this whole debate is the fact that our culture is AFRAID OF THE DICK. Very simply, the penis represents power. It must not be shown. Straight porn and other erotic programming so de-emphasize the penis that it’s hardly even visible, even when opposite sex couples are on screen. You hardly ever see the dick, and when you do it’s either small or flacid or both. The exception to this rule would be European porn and fake genitals (big fat dildos are acceptable viewing material). Basically I think straight men are afraid of other men’s penises because they present a challenge to them, to their power, and ultimately to their sexuality. It’s not out of fear of male on male rape. It’s a refusal to confront other men’s power. And acknowledge it. And even to admit they might be turned on by it. Our culture is so inundated with images of naked women, including genitalia, that it’s become passe. This is because our entire entertainment and advertising industries have approached sexuality from the (straight) male perspective – the ‘male gaze’. And even while there have been adventures into male eroticism in popular culture in recent years, the dick is not featured. Those Calvin Klein ads might seem sexual, but the dick is so taped down it’s unrecognizable…and made smaller, to soften the blow. So it comes down to this: we can handle images of nude or semi-nude men, and pretend they’re erotic, but if you’re gonna show dick it better be underplayed. THE BIGGER THE WORSE.