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I don’t think you are weird at all. Women reach their peak of sexual arousal at 30 years of age or older, so you’ve got several years to get there. As for the person who said most women don’t really like sex, but only do it for their man’s sake, I have to disagree with that. Of the women who don’t really like sex, I think it’s for one of two reasons: One is their mother’s or their church taught them that sex was bad and ‘ a necessary evil’ to have children and/or to please their husbands. Or, they’ve had sex with poorly performing partners–in many cases selfish guys who were only interested in their own gratification and didn’t care whether the woman was satisfied or not. I’ve only had long-term relationships with four women, but all were eager for more. Why? Because I’m a ‘stud’? No. Because I know I’m not a stud, I work extra hard to satisfy them. Both partners have to be satisfied for sex to be really good, and for both to want it often. Seeing them ‘turned on’, sexually aroused and excited is what turns me on, and I’ll do whatever they respond to in order to get them ready and willing.

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Name : Mike, City : Evasnville, State : IN, Country : United States,