Reply To: Reply To: “White people wet dogs” – that’s a racist slur!



To be honest I feel you brother on your message. The thing you have to remember is there are white people who are racist and white people who are not. I agree with you on people have placed lables on the black race. But alot of that is the older white race. I will be honest with you the book cover doesn’t bother me the least bit. Because words don’t affect me directly. I think people live in comfort zones and are scared to invite people who are not exactly like them into their comfort zones. If people would not judge either way and invite people into their comfort zones people could communicate better. The only thing I have to say about why do white people smell like wet dogs is that two wrongs do not make a rite. Peace Out

User Detail :  

Name : Kris, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Baptist, Age : 23, City : Altamonte Springs, State : FL, Country : United States, Occupation : Electronic Engineer, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Lower middle class,