Reply To: Why do white women whine?



It sounds like the women you work with are psycho. I feel sorry for you. It sounds like a woman they work with (you, Renata) make pretty bad blanket judgments based on race. So I feel sorry for them, too. I’ve seen white women flip out and black women flip out. It has more to do with the way you’re raised to handle stress. Apparently your co-workers don’t handle it well, but I don’t think white women are shortwired in any way. If people around you are really screaming and banging their heads all the time, maybe you should call a doctor for them and then find a new job.

User Detail :  

Name : SR28427, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 21, City : Austin, State : TX, Country : United States, Occupation : student,