I believe this is nothing new, it may be more prevelant today that years past. It is part of some deep seed inferiority issues, whereas lashing out at those that are different from them makes them feel adequate. This was one of the reasons of blackspeak originating from the inner city or ghetto environment. U sound different, look different, or simply act different. The difference is usually related to education or lack there of. To be frank with U, U are absolutely right, at some point U will be attacked. That’s because even though U may live in a community setting among them, U are of a different tribe so to speak. My younger sister went through this in the neighborhood we grew up in. They jumped on her because she was being bused to schools outside the neighborhood and didn’t socialize with them on their level enough to be one of them. There’s not much U can do as an individual about this, if U were to examine your household and theirs, U would begin to see the roots of where it comes from. In ones life, it is very important to not ignore your sense of perception, it could mean life or death on the streets. With that said, acknowledge them while in their presence, keep stepping, learn to circle yourself with positive people period and U will be fine! Count it all Joy!