Reply To: Speak the language



I don’t think they speak Vietnamese so other Americans won’t understand. It’s like Spanish in Miami. People speak what comes confortable to them. The early asian immigrants to the US learned the language, learned the customs, learned everything. The early Mexican immigrants didn’t even teach Spanish to their kids, wanting so hard that they be ‘American.’ The end result, no matter how Yankee Doodle an asian is or how Davy Crocket a typical Mexican is… they are still seen by the Whites (non-hispanic whites) and non-asians as US citizens, but not as true Americans. Typical Mexicans especally discovered the hard way that no matter how redneck their English was and how apple pie they were, Mary, Greg and Jim would not invite them over for a Barbeque and to watch football. Much less would Greg introduce his sister Heather to Juan Gonzalez. So, the new wave of immigrants discovered that to avoid falling into the same social limbo (or hell), they had to learn the adoptive country’s customs and FIGHT TO KEEP THEIR OWN. Thanks to this, Spanish is the most studied secdond language in the US. This cultural/linguistic diversity, in the long run will help you guys (Monolingual and monocultural Americans) be more like the rest of the world… bilingual, trilingual, polylingual, etc. Go to Europe, you’ll be surprised how from the middle class up, EVERYBODY speaks more than one language, same goes for Latin America (I’m an example). Welcome to the globalized world. And as for the Vietnemese nail technicians, lighten up already, they’re not talking in Vietnamese so ‘Americans’ won’t understand them, they’re just talking in Vietnamese, and they ARE learning the language.

User Detail :  

Name : Nelson-A19680, Gender : M, Race : Hispanic/Latino (may be any race), Age : 36, City : Caracas, State : NA, Country : Venezuela, Occupation : Educator/Lawyer/Radio, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class,