Reply To: Approaching a straight male



James, I have seen gay men try that and come to harm as a result. I think you should avoid that, for your own sake. Daniel, good idea: you never know, he might be gay when you think he is straight. Just be careful. Sheila, I reserve my anger and wrath for you. Sometimes I am truly ashamed to be (partly) a lesbian. And spare me the diatribe against bisexuals – I’ve heard it all before. You are no better than a redneck in your attitude. Don’t be so bloody judgemental. Anyone with half a brain knows that (some) gay men engage in casual sex and that is quite socially acceptable among (some) gay men. They don’t have to know each other. Bravo gay men: a relatively non-judgemental group!

User Detail :  

Name : Priscilla30270, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Bisexual, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 23, City : Sydney, State : NA, Country : Australia, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,