Female circumcision isn’t a Muslim practice, it’s a cultural one that vastly predates Islam. It’s mainly practised in Africa (especially NE Africa but also in some communities in the west of the continent) and is seen as both a female initiation rite and a way of making women compliant and faithful. I do not in any way agree with it but I just felt I should point out, especially given the current climate of fear and misunderstanding about Muslims, that this is by no means a Muslim practice and is nowhere sanctioned in the Q’uran. Unfortunately it is practised in the UK (although illegal) and I would guess is also practised in the US and other countries where there is a large Somali/Southern Egyptian etc population. There are many campaigns to raise awareness of the issue and to try and stamp it out, many encouragingly based in the ‘countries of origin’. I don’t buy the excuse that some people give that it’s a cultural tradition and we shouldn’t interfere – for one thing most campaigners against it are natives of the countries it’s practised in (and often vistims themselves) and secondly as a ‘cultural tradition’ my ancestors used to cut off people’s heads and display them on the town gates – but we don’t do that anymore!