Cracker… white trailer trash. I’m going to assume this is the same as the fried chicken thing except is stopped being a term for cheap food and became one for cheap people (again, not trying to be offensive… my boyfriend has a close friend who lives in a trailer park, and she’s cool as hell). According to a history teacher, it was a term used by northern American whites to describe the poor Southerners of their own race. Since then, its meaning has become more general and is often used by blacks to describe whites, ESPECIALLY racist whites; the word still retains the flavor of Southern poverty. The one you asked for Andrew, Kike. Keikl means circle in Yiddish. On Ellis Island, people got seperated by religion at times. Those who were Jewish got a Star of David, and Christians got a Cross. But due to the fact there were so many people, the cross became an X, and the Star of David was an O. Sloppy, but it got the job done for the inspecters; soon the Jew’s called each other keikls as a joke of how sloppy the star’s were. This joking is now used as a horrible term for Jewish people that, when you know the roots of it, isn’t really that offensive (like most of the words). It’s sad we even have these words, isn’t it? Some kids at my school got a Nazi flag from their grandpa who took it in WWII… they taped it to their passenger side rear window and drove past a synagogue just after it let out. I can’t do any more… I feel so dirty typing these out.