Reply To: Reply To: College education vs. wealth vs. class



It’s an interesting question. Does being ‘upper class’ equate solely with ‘being wealthy’? I tend to think that it does (in the United States, anyway), although I suspect ‘old money’ would disagree. If you were suddenly to become fabulously wealthy by winning the lottery, the upper class would be reluctant to let you into the club (ala Molly Brown), insisting that breeding and class are necessary prerequisites. Money isn’t everything. On the other hand, if someone with class, breeding and weatlh suddenly were to lose their fortune, they would quickly find themselves kicked out of the club. Money is everything.

User Detail :  

Name : Herbert-Milcott, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 45, City : Austin, State : TX, Country : Texas, Occupation : Computer geek, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,