Reply To: Are blacks poor money managers?



Not meaning to be a cold shower on a hot day, but Black people with good credit is not the norm. We live in a society which set Black people up for failure in more ways than some can fathom: 1) low wages 2) higher rents and utilities 3) higher insurance 4) projects 5) welfare, etc, etc, etc Now, true enough, there are Blacks out there who manage to escape all of that, but most don’t. Black people try too hard to do everything their white counterparts (who are more than likely being paid a WHOLE lot more money) do to put up those ‘appearances’ and it costs them, because they are not on equal footing financially, and this causes the problems. Most Black people are UAWs still trying to experience the finer things in life that were denied to them for so very long and feel like nobody’s taking anything with them when they die anyway. The bottom line: MOST of us don’t have much money to manage. Don’t believe the hype about credit. Having good credit only means you have some white person’s permission to assist them into becoming future millionaires and retiring early, at 20-25 percent interest on your future income. Good credit, bad credit or no credit at all, take it from me: PAY CASH. You own it, no credit sharks are living the good life off your interest payments and nobody can take it away if you suddenly find YOURSELF on hard times. Get out the scissors and do what’s best with those credit cards, destroy them before they destroy you. And that’s for people of ANY race.

User Detail :  

Name : renata-grayson, City : Atlanta, State : GA, Country : United States,