That’s just silly, kids need to find themselves, and break out of their shells at that age. My parent’s gave me so much grief over my personal style, and appearance when I was growing up, I became depressed, my grades plummeted (I went from a-b honor roll to C’s, and then finally in my senior year I nearly didn’t graduate because of all the classes I failed) I was a good kid, I didn’t drink, or do drugs, I was responsible- but my parent’s limited me despite this, and because of my appearance didn’t trust me. I’m 23 now, and STILL resent them for how they made me feel. Also, my cousin who is a year younger than me, my aunt treated him the same way, and the same thing happened- but I talked to her last Christmas, and she told me how horrible, and stupid she felt for being like that, because it truly isn’t what’s on the outside that counts, and people are silly who think otherwise.