Reply To: Rude black women


There are alot of good black men out there that are looking for a good black woman. The thing is, black women want a THUG or a BADBOY! Well, you see, that’s the problem. Some black women don’t want what’s good. THEY WANT WHAT’S BAD! Then they get upset and mad at ALL MEN because of the choices that they made.They get mad when he don’t help them out! For instance, you could say, ‘Hello, How are you doing’ and they will look at you as though they could kill you and they don’t speak back! All I have to say is don’t worry about it. One thing I know, is that a TRUE BLACK MAN have low tolerance for attitude! Some black women can be mad by themselves. I wish no bad luck on my black sisters, but if they’d STOP and THINK about the choices before they make’em, then they wouldn’t be so angry! They’ve been hurt by black men so now they mad at ALL BLACK MEN! That’s the problem. But they’ll be ok.

User Detail :  

Name : Rico Daniels, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Age : 29, City : Atlanta, State : GA, Country : United States, Social class : Lower middle class,