Reply To: Racial divide at first job



If I were in your position I would be more concerned if they hiried another black person. It seems that many blacks tend to shy away from the idea that many companys are required to practice afirmitive action yet blacks are more than willing to take full advantige of its benifits at leasure. You should calm down and know that without you, your company might not meet their quota for minoritys and could face prosicution for not hiring blacks. On the other hand, you could be offinded that your company is only holding on to you because of your racial status and not your intelligence.

User Detail :  

Name : D31845, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : American Indian, Religion : Christian, Age : 29, City : Washington DC, State : NA, Country : United States, Occupation : Software Developer, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper class,