Reply To: Bad hair cuts/clothes on mentally disabled



I worked with developmentally disabled for more than three 3 years. It is a very taxing experience. In most cases, the most simple haircuts are chosen because the goal is to help teach the individuals how to take care of themselves. As far as the clothing, most agencies and individuals do not have a lot of money. Also, we try to allow the individuals themselves to pick out their own clothing. This allows them to have some control over thier own lives. We need to emphasize here, that what you are referring to is all ‘lipstick and rouge.’ Do you know what? We all need to look beyond that with all individuals. Even though the individuals I worked with were non-verbal, extremely developmentally disabled, and did not have stylish hair cuts, or stylish clothes, they touched my heart. I think of them often and wonder how they are doing. Their emotions are often unconditional even though many people have abandoned them in their lives. I think we all could take a lesson from them. They don’t look at clothes, or hair or anything physical, they care just because.

User Detail :  

Name : Leah26130, Gender : F, Age : 28, City : Seattle, State : WA, Country : United States, Occupation : Paralegal, Education level : 4 Years of College,