Reply To: Black leadership



Rick, you sound a bit upset or perhaps annoyed with Jesse Jackson. is it because he is ‘in your face’? constantly reminding you of matters you wish not to reveal about yourself? ‘He get so much attention’ because of the issues that must be addressed in our country. Jesse Jackson is an old guard to our civil rights, even to your civil rights. He has taken on this responsibilty, not for himself – for selfish gain, but so that we all may gain to live with respect for each other and so that we can be mindful that our treatment towards one another is without vision towards our racial category. Colin Powell is a different breed of a civil rights activist. He is not in your face and taking on ‘militant’ causes. Although he is a military man his strategy, I believe, attacks the problems where it is unsuspecting to the enemy but still very affective. As for a paycheck, most financially successful people don’t get rich by earning a paycheck, they get rich by providing a service that is needed in the stream of commerce and democracry. Obviously, there is still a need to provide you with an understanding as to why Jesse is ‘in your face’ thus he will continue to be a financially successful man (not earning a paycheck) in this endeavor.

User Detail :  

Name : Richard, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Age : 42, City : orlando, State : FL, Country : United States, Occupation : architect,