Don’t be ridiculous That’s just another strain of the same rumour when it hits white christian people it’s jewish women prefer it over sex(now I don’t know any jews so I can’t exactly combat it but I still think it’s stupid) I’ve never went down and perhaps the girl you were dating was(OBVIOUSLY) just taught weird sex practices from a young age if you’ll notice(I’m not saying this as a bad thing but..)most white women(I believe the stats are 99.1% of white non-hispanic people marry other white people)don’t date black people perhaps just because they don’t live in the same areas and go to the same churches etc.(not to mention a black guy asking me out and then saying I heard all white girls like to give head would probably set me off black people) and those who do date within their social class now all the upper class black guys I know have more than one race of friends unlike the poorer ones and poorer girls…well tend to come from weaker home lives (ie no dad to come home to and look in the eye) less family time in general less church(church is among other things networking) and well allowed to view more.. promiscuous media things …Just saying