Reply To: Smoke Weed but Don’t Read


James J.

First of all, you make a hard case because the majority of African-Americans choose to not be educated. Words like ‘axe’, ‘boff’, ‘togever’, don’t exactly put forth the impression of education. I would love for the pot smoking and the bitching to stop and for blacks to take more responsibility for the way society treats you. The overdone ‘whiteman’ crap is getting old. I know there are still people who are going to put up stupid roadblocks, but the majority of the system is open to anyone that does choose to use the education that is offered to them and not just gloss over it, saying it makes them appear ‘white’ or a sell-out. Any ethnic group that claims being smart is being ‘white’, then i guess we’ll take that insult. I just find it a very sad and pathetic excuse that needs to be put to rest.

User Detail :  

Name : James J., Gender : M, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 35, City : Tampa, State : FL, Country : United States, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class,