Reply To: Islam unwelcome?



How many democratic governments are there in Muslim countries? None. Israel has a democratically elected government. Muslim countries, on the other hand, are run by dictators, often egomaniacs who demonstrate little regard for their own people or human life in general. Muslim extremists – suicide bombers & the like – prey on the innocent and consider it glory to Allah. No Arab leaders have publicly condemned or apologized for such terrorism. Some have expressed regret, but ‘regret’ is far too mild a response to such horrendous action. Until Muslim leaders (religious & political) and peace-loving Muslim groups express outrage & condemnation of such terrorism, all Muslims will be suspect.

User Detail :  

Name : rachel-z30182, Gender : F, Religion : Jewish, Age : 52, City : st. louis, State : MO, Country : United States, Occupation : writer, Social class : Middle class,