To me, it sounds like the difference in the way you two are being treated doesn’t automatically have to be because you are african-american.. I mean, there are hundreds of other things people are prejudicial about. 1: You are a woman, and he’s a man 2: Maybe it isn’t because they dislike YOU, maybe it’s because HE is attracting all the attention (by being more outspoken, less humble, or a weasly sycophant) 3: In bad workplaces, as in school, one person is sometimes chosen as a scapegoat, ‘nerd’ and general victim of bullying. Perhaps someone decided you seemed vurnerable and would fit into this category? My advice? well, first of all, don’t let them make you think you deserve to be treated badly. You aren’t treating them badly, so you should not be treated badly by them. (I know, thinking like this is easier said than done) I think the best way to go is to outshine the white bloke -show that you ARE skilled and full of initiative. Men are slow to begin respecting people designated as ‘low’ in the pecking order.. but when earned, combined with the knowlege that you aren’t just a submissive secretary, that respect lasts. Of course, the bosses may just be utter narrow-minded morons, in which case you shouldn’t waste your time in this job good luck!