Reply To: Minimum Wage = Low Intelligence?


Chris Bruk

It may not be related directly to money. It might be the nature of the position. Since you are a clerk, providing them with service, then they are the boss. It follows that they feel that they must be superior to you in some way, since they are calling the shots. A lot of people assume that those in subordinate positions are less intelligent. Wait until you get a job working for someone like that. If you show them that you are smarter than them, often they will feel threatened and make the situation difficult for you. You have to spot these people early, and act no smarter than you have to be, until you can be promoted or find another job. Its even worse if they have that attitude and they are right. I worked for a 28 year old man who had aquired bachelor’s degrees in mechanical and electrical simultaneously, in 5 years. He was one the most intelligent people you could meet, but he was an insufferable jerk. It is a skill to be developed, if you plan on being in a supervisory position, at any point. You have to be the boss, and your employees have to follow direction, but it is a poor supervisor who can only maintain authority by diminishing their subbordinates. It limits the group effort by limiting the input from employees lower in the company structure. A different way of looking at it is that wealth is an easy evaluation point for first impressions. We are no longer suppose to judge people on the basis of race, religion, gender or any of the other traditional bases for discrimination, so a lot of people assume there is something wrong with you if you don’t have money. A miniminum wage job doesn’t exactly scream wealth, so in the absence of any visual cues, they just assume that you are stupid. Maybe you can work at giving the impression that you are independently wealthy, but work in a video store to maintain the common touch. On another note, just be glad you don’t have a thick foreign accent giving people the reason to talk to you a lot slower and louder.

User Detail :  

Name : Chris Bruk, City : Kemah, State : TX, Country : United States,