Most women do NOT appreciate men just ‘running up’ on them to chat. Also understand that many of today’s ‘upper income’ women are upper income because they’ve educated themselves and have positions that pay good money. So naturally, a woman who is running from meeting to meeting does not have time for idle chit chat. Second, I get the distinct impression that you’re ‘pushing up’ on white women, exclusively. Do you ever talk to Hispanic women? Maybe you’d get a better response from them. But the truth is, any woman who has it ‘going on’ as respects career/finances, of any ethnicity, is not going to give the time of day to just any old guy, regardless of how cute he may be. Lastly, are you in SOCIAL settings when you’re approaching these women, or on the street? That makes a difference, too. Finally, if you’re so hell-bent on meeting an ‘upper class’ woman, perhaps you’re going to have to do an ‘upgrade’ on yourself, by way of getting educated and landing a nice position at a Fortune 500 Company, with a salary and company perks.