Reply To: Reply To: Atheists and references to God



As a non-believer, I try to mind my own business. The sight of others’ belief symbols does not affect me in the negative. In fact, just the opposite, if I want to put most of them in the category of art. I see mostly good intentions in the symbols. It is the conglomerated results of these belief systems, however, that are irksome: the deaths and suffering and conflicts over whose big friend and rule book is better than someone else’s. I suppose I’m more an agnostic than a full-on athiest, and as such find the definitive answers of either side rather arrogant and silly. Call me a skeptic in that there are no answers, only questions. What is believed may not be true. What is true may not be believed. The questions, though, are fascinating, as are the symbols and iconography. I do not feel excluded but more an observer of history and cultural quirks. Except for the high body count, it’s all rather entertaining.

User Detail :  

Name : Doug25624, Gender : M, Religion : Agnostic, City : Encinitas, State : CA, Country : United States,