To be blunt, not a damn thing. To start with, “race” is a fraudulent concept which has been discredited among social scientists for at least 30 years. It has been seriously questioned as inconsistent, illogical, and having no objective evidence to back it up for more than 80 years, starting with the famed anthropologist Franz Boas. Secondly, there are counter-examples to the ones you gave of crime. Some serial and mass murderers are not white. The most prolific murderer in history was an East Indian, the leader of the Thuggee cult in the 18th century. The first gangs in the United States were not black or Latino. They were Irish, German, Dutch, and other “white ethnics” going back to at least the 1830s. But the respective culture of the criminal can play a role in how and why they commit crimes. The most obvious way is America’s love of guns and violence being taught as an acceptable way to solve your problems.