Don, take a break from US media yourself and all its relentless promotion of America as the greatest nation in absolutely every aspect of life. My sisters and in laws routinely walked around alone late at night in Mexico, Central American, the Phillipines, and Japan, something they wouldn’t dare try here in the US. If you travel anywhere outside the US, it’s pretty obvious right away that most Americans are more hostile than most people in other countries. Most serial killers in the world are like yourself, American white males in their thirties. Some reason for this should be obvious: high availability of guns, a history and culture that sees violence as the solution to any problem, high mobility of and alienation among the population, a lack of community and a strong belief in getting ahead no matter how much you have to step on other people. One final point, Latinos (and blacks) make up most of the jail population, but most crime is committed by whites, simply because the US is 80% white. It’s been extremely well documented that the darker you are, the harsher your sentence.