Reply To: Happy to be white?



Generally, yes, I am glad to be white, when I hear about some of the crap that non-whites have put up with. Sometimes white people will get a sampling of these experiences, though. I once had a black professor who was so bitter about her past experiences with white people that she gave me lower grades than I earned because I didn’t apologize for all the things whites have done to her (I felt bad for her, sure, but I wasn’t going to take personal responsibility for other people’s behavior). My brother couldn’t apply for most of the college scholarships he read about because he wasn’t a ‘minority.’ I have had skin problems since I was a teenager and to some people this is a major deal (it’s not just color! That’s how ridiculous people are!). But yes, I’m happy to be white and proud of my heritage (though I would hesitate to say this anywhere but here for fear of being mistaken for a neo-Nazi – it’s happened!!), just as anyone should embrace and be proud of who they are. But other than being aware of my privileges as a white person, what more should I do? The black profesor I mentioned believed that white people should so something about it, but what? On one hand, whites are expected to right the wrongs of the past, but on the other hand when whites try to do such things, blacks or natives or whoever are offended, as if the whites are implying that the non-whites can’t do things for themselves. I’m at a crossroads about that one.

User Detail :  

Name : Christine32082, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 25, City : Spring Park, State : MN, Country : United States, Occupation : Teacher, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,