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I agree with you about blacks seeming to be oversensitive about their skin color. That’s why I wouldn’t say something like that unless it was to a black friend, who would understand that just because I crack a joke, it doesn’t mean I am racist or trying to offend anyone. I’m Catholic and I’ll be the first to spout out a Catholic joke. I don’t get offended by Italian jokes, and I’m Italian. I don’t get offended by someone joking around about how white people can’t dance, or whatever. I think you’re right, in a non-aggressive way it isn’t an issue, or it shouldn’t be. If you can’t laugh at yourself, then you have a problem. Stereotypes do come from somewhere, as ‘unfair’ as they may be. I’m blonde, not stupid, and I don’t get offended when someone makes a blonde joke.

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Name : Cassy, City : Jacksonville, State : FL, Country : United States,