Reply To: Happy to be white?


Shawn I

‘because they are not victims of racism ‘ I go to a majority black high school where in the average class there are about 20-25 black students and 2-7 white students.I’m going to assume you live in a majority white area in which you receive lots of abuse which has resulted in the way you think. I am white, and receive lots of comments from blacks because i am white. Throughout all of my classes, with the exception of the majority white honors clases, I hear black people making fun of whites, criticizing whites, and straight up talking about how they wish they could kill one of them. ‘Racism’ isn’t something that is only directed towards blacks, racism is directed towards every race there is. I know that a majority black high school isn’t the majority in this country, but take in consideration that discrimination towards whites does happen and in my case every day that i am in school. Outside of school I live in a majority white suburb so i don’t receive that abuse. You say we don’t know what it’s like to be black, well you don’t know what’s it’s like to be white. Yes, racial stereotypes occur and whites get advantages, but the same thing happens for people of other ethinic backgrounds also. A manager at my friends McDonalds is black and if someone calls in that, based on their speech (ebonics) ask for a job in an impolite, unsophisticated way, they won’t even grant them an interview. (yes, one McDonalds, but i made a point) Just realize that more often than not people get ahead and more oppurtunities do to their manners, education, etc. It’s not my fault you’re too ignorant to realize that white people don’t get everything they want.

User Detail :  

Name : Shawn I, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Catholic, Age : 14, City : Cincinnati, State : OH, Country : United States, Occupation : No occupation, Education level : Less than High School Diploma,