Reply To: Racial divide at first job


Obviously, in your initial post, you didn’t have alot of space to give every tiny little detail. Much has already been touched on, and I thought I may be able to give just one piece of insight, even though I’m ignorant of whether it is an issue or not. I personally try to believe that we as a society are beyond blatant racism, as it seems you are describing. When something appears that way, I’ll try to look for another obvious reason which may be clouded by personal perception, and the way you have been taught by your parents and peers to view the world around you. Here’s what I’ve observed in years of various office work, followed by years of talking to hundreds of people a month as a police officer. I often find myself talking to a fantastically intelligent person who simply sounds like a blithering idiot due to their speech. I used to be one of those people- percieved by others as stupider than I am, because I spoke with a seemingly unintelligent accent and mannerisms. Unfortunately, I see this far too often in black people, and in others who subscribe to the rap/hip-hop/etc scene. White guys who sound like southern, swamp-dweller, hilljacks also put out the ‘dumb’ vibe, when they could be nuclear engineers, for all we know. Just take a look at how you talk, and how you sound to other people- especially those who grew up in a different culture. Do you sound like someone on Friends, or more like Russell Simmons’ Def Jam? That might be your biggest stumbling block, and you may never see it.

User Detail :  

Name : Vinnie Smith, Gender : M, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 30, City : Sacramento, State : CA, Country : United States, Occupation : Police Officer, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,