Reply To: Why do white women whine?


I think the ansewr to your question is: I think it starts when they are young. They watch their mom get their way from whineing. So it does not take long before a white women figures out the power of whineing. Here are some problems white women incounter with whinning. They learn to depend on their whinning. When they whine things get done. So when they need help the first thing that comes to mind is to whine. Well what do they do when no one helps? panic!! Also look at how men react to their whineing. Black and white men seem to just run to aid white women when they whine. They can make best friends fight from their whineing. I call it crying any time you here a white women whineing tell her stop crying. It makes them mad. ‘I aint crying’ is the must comon response. Then responde again ‘are you still crying about something’ it will stop them from doing it more. They will wonder why you think they are always crying. I am white and latino, but the trend seems to be catching on to latino women to! Thats why gota have a black women if you want independent women w/ strong attitude.

User Detail :  

Name : christopher J Le Cou, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Disability : A.D.D. and biniontremmor, Race : white and latino, Religion : open mind, Age : 25, City : Spokane, State : WA, Country : United States, Occupation : student, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Lower class,