Jill Snider
You do not have to be a ho to get a yeast infection. Almost all women, who have sex, have experienced it (wether they know it or not). It is very true that men can pass this along. HOWEVER, the best prevention for yeast infections is to dry yourself off after sex. Yeast infections thrive in warm, moist places. If you’re not using a condom, ’empty’ yourself and dry off. If you do use a condom, make sure all the lubricant is out of you and dry off. This really helps but you can still get yeast infections following this practice. This really has nothing to do with being clean. Douching can actually ENCOURAGE yeast infections because you’re cleaning out your natural defenses to the yeast bacteria. If you do get a yeast infection, the absolute best thing to do (and I know this sounds weird) is to purchase yogurt with ‘live active culture’, mix it with luke warm water (don’t kill the culture) an douche with it. The live bacteria in yogurt loves to devour the yeast bacteria. You will be free of your yeast infection in 24 hours or a little over. (you can do a regular douche after that).