Reply To: Point it out



Two different things it can mean. In consensual sex, it just means light touching and handling of the penis until it hardens enough so that stroking and squeezing feels good — very early foreplay or heavy petting, or just ‘playing with the guy.’ In some circles where brutality to other men is common — say a really ugly clique of jocks, or some cellblocks or barracks — it can mean pushing a thumb into the man’s anus (to get the prostate gland) while pulling hard on his penis with the other hand; the purpose of that is to give him a brief erection, so that he can be taunted by the bullies with having ‘liked it’ or ‘wanted it.’ (Usually it takes more than one bully to do this to a guy who is fighting back). Very nasty, humiliating business.

User Detail :  

Name : JB31121, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 40ish, City : central, State : CO, Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College,