Reply To: Fake white accents among Hispanics


Big Al

Many of us who came to the US, came to succeed. A part of success is the ability to speak “properly” and that includes good/standard English. I don’t think it has anything to do with “fakeness”. I speak proper, educated Spanish so why shouldn’t I speak proper English; I have a slight Boston accent, because I went to college there, although I have lived in the South for 13 yrs now. I am not sure about your expectations…What do you consider White Accent? Shall we speak Ebonics or with a deep South twang? Maybe we should try a nice Irish brogue…that would be just lovely. Ha-ha.

User Detail :  

Name : Big Al, Gender : M, Race : White/Hispanic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA, Country : United States, Occupation : Comp. Engineer, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,