I’m a black male married to an Asian Indian woman. When I first met my wife at college, I was immediately attracted to her personality regardless of her racial background. When we started going out together, I understood before hand the ‘caste’ system in her culture, however I was in love at the time and it didn’t matter to me that much. My wife on the other hand, went through hell when we were dating. She had to constantly lie to her parents and sneak out the house to be me.(We were 22 years olds at the time!) After a few years of hiding and lying about our relationship to her parents, we finally decided to tell them that we were going to get married. As expected they became extremely upset and threatened to disown my wife forever. Forcing her to choose either ‘me’ or ‘them’. In the end she choose me, which I am forever grateful; however her parents have not spoken to her since. There’s not a moment that goes by that I don’t wish her family would call and say ‘OK, we don’t approve…but you’re still our daughter.’ My wife refuses to make contact with her family as well, being equally as stubborn. It hurts my wife deeply, but she does not talk about it because of the pain that it brings. As you can see this situation is both a blessing and a curse. Good Luck.