Reply To: Fake white accents among Hispanics



Those accents are probably not ‘fake’. I imagine you are referring to the BROWN stereotype downtown L.A. ‘mexican’, right? To you, he should speak like a recently arrived MEXICAN even though he is AMERICAN and his family has been in California two centuries before yours(when it was Mexico). Should the Americans of Irish origin speak with an Irish accent, or the American of distant German origin sound like Frits and Franz? I shouldn’t have to remind you that there are MANY hispanics that are white-caucasian and black also. You probably consider that it’s OK for a WHITE hispanic to speak ‘white’ or a BLACK-Hispanic to speak ‘black’, but if he is BROWN he has to speak like Cheech Marin. Sorry chum, you’re stereotyping Hispanics. Hispanic is not a RACE. So, if a BROWN stereotype MEXICAN girl looks silly to you speaking like American movie icon Rita Hayworth (Surprise, she was hispanic!!!) or a MEXICAN looking dude acting like a suave black pro player, say Sammy Sosa (ummm..hispanic also), he’s off the mark right? Wrong! By the way, ‘hispanics’ did not exist in the US before the 1970s, they were either black or white depending on their skin color, and they learned to speak like the people they were grouped with (my case – white). So, let them brown hispanics just be, chill out dude.

User Detail :  

Name : Nelson-A20175, Gender : M, Race : Hispanic/Latino (may be any race), Age : 34, City : Caracas, State : NA, Country : Venezuela, Occupation : educator/lawyer, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,