They are definitely freaky, in an ‘ewww’ kind of way. For starters, there is the disturbing nature of the implant itself (often they leak, and there have been several monstrous class-action lawsuits). I’m not sure if implants are done because it is perceived it will help a woman’s career (in Hollywood that may well be the case), or if it’s an attempt to be more attractive to men. It would seem to reveal a tendency to want men to notice just one’s body, not personality, if done for that reason. I would be very wary about getting involved with someone who felt a need to get them, as it would seem to me to reveal a fairly shallow, misguided person seeking something besides true love. At the same time, I do feel for women who feel pressured by society to measure up to an impossible Barbie ideal and hope they find a better way to feel good about themselves.