The Littleton or Columbine area (which is not really in Littleton) has one of the lowest crime rates in the Western United States, and murder is unheard of.
You do bring up an interesting point about parents “putting their children on pedestals.” Most households in the area are two-income households, but that is normal throughout the United States. The real tragedy is the neglect these children receive, not the expensive toys their parents buy them. On top of that, however, is this extremely competitive attitude that parents force on their kids. Parents in this upper-middle class area generally care more about “keeping up with the Joneses” than about raising their children correctly. This social consciousness may be the problem. Kids are pushed by their parents to beat the neighbor’s kid in all aspects of life, because by doing so, the parents receive bragging rights.
If we drop this attitude, perhaps fewer kids will be pushed over the edge by the football players, who were trained to be a–holes by their parents.