Reply To: Southern Pride not Racist


Ida S.

Stacey, I dont think you should worry about what others think about the Confederate Flag. It just means that you are showing your Southern Pride. People read to much into it…I know black people who have had the Confederate Flag. And I agree with the person that said ‘if blacks can wear Malcolm X shirts, whites can have the Confederate Flag’. Where I come from its not uncommon to see the Confederate Flag, so i say fly it…and dont worry about what others say. Just because it meant slavery in the past doesnt mean YOU have to interpret it that way now!!

User Detail :  

Name : Ida S., Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Christian, Age : 18, City : Stewartstown, State : PA, Country : United States, Occupation : College Student, Social class : Lower middle class,