Reply To: Infections and odor with white women



You must have low class women of all races. Black women are sweaty, smelly and have a nasty fishy odor. Ask any white guy. You are a creep, perhaps you seek fat, nasty white woemn. You are just a racist, PO’ed that your ‘brothers’ are always chasing white tail. It does not ring my bell, I do not believe inter-racial dating, too many complications. Any guy I asked who have tried a black girl say that THEY stink. They get wetter and sloppier than any other women. Their hair smells bad too.

User Detail :  

Name : Christine, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 30, City : Chicago, State : IL, Country : United States, Occupation : Auto Body shop owner, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Upper middle class,