i dunno. i havn’t dated any black women, mainly because, outside of work, me and identifiably single black women seldom cross paths. i go to rock clubs and galleries. galleries, you’d think there’d be at least a couple, but they’re realy an asian and white crowd. as far as hair goes, the short and natural look is real cute. i think two of the potential barriers continue to be: 1) it’s not just the stereotypical ‘ghetto acting’ black women, but that black women on average seem to be more assertive than white women. we’ve all seen a black kid get cussed out by their mom. apply that to being late for movie night and you can see why white men, who are more used to dealing with passive agressiveness from white women, would find getting romantic with a black girl a daunting prospect (not just for her asssertiveness, but also because he’d have to become more assertive himself.). 2)the pathological need to avoid the race issue. were the world an island and only the two of us lovebirds perched atop, we could probably live forever in romantic sunsets unmolested by the cares of the outside world, but in reality, you have a cousin, friend, brother, or other close tie that thinks i’m robbing the gene pool or getting some ‘slave sex’ and i probably have more than a couple of friends who ‘act wierd’ or talk slang around black people and a close family relation who’s genuinely hatefull of black people. so right away i don’t want to expose you to my people and i don’t want to be exposed to that cousin, friend, brother, uncle who’s going to start out making a lot of ‘observations’ about the way i dress and talk and try to lure me into a stacked debate about what buisines i have being at your side. there are few things a white male can say honestly in any discussion of race without it being twisted into something evil. having considered these issues and discarded them as possibly legitimate but not important enough to preclude two people from loving, i’ll say that one time i made out with a black girl at a party. it was great and it happened because it felt natural, and if i ever date a black girl seriously in the future it will be because it feels natural that we be together.