I am a black woman and have asked myself that question many times: Why do some black women seem so hostile? It seems that this could either be a self-perpetuating stereotype or an observation with some merit. I believe the latter to be true. Perhaps the expectations and burdens placed on us as a whole create a need to ‘overcompensate’ in some way. Defensiveness is a natural response to constant and simultaneous attacks from a racial and gender standpoint. Many of us are told, ‘You have two strikes against you: You are black AND a woman…’
Racism and sexism are a big part of black women’s lives on a day-to-day basis. Black women are overtly and covertly told that we are at the bottom of the world’s totem pole – unintelligent, undesirable, useless and generally not good enough. Another noteworthy fact is that black women often cannot seek refuge from gender-based biases and attacks within their own community. This is the reality that we swim through every day of our lives. It can be especially painful for those who have fewer financial resources and prospects. This creates a pathological process in a person’s psyche that can manifest itself in a number of ways, including defensiveness (being rude and abrasive) or the opposite: being a doormat (trying to please everyone and collapsing from exhaustion) – or even self-destructive behaviors (alcoholism, drugs, remaining in abusive or unfulfilling relationships…)
Noticeably, members of this (or any) group tend to become more outwardly ‘laid back’ as their education and income level rise. But make no mistake: the ‘pain’ is still there – but the coping mechanisms become markedly different.