Reply To: Mexican men’s tiny interest



There are many tall women that don’t look malnourished and unhealthy with curves and wurves. Tyra Banks, whom happens to be (in your words) a so-called supermodel is tall and is a very voluptuous, beautiful woman. I’m 5’7′, thin and almost always mistaken for taller with a great appetite and look very healthy. And why are curves considered ‘healthy looking’? Many people are healthy, eat great, and without curves so does that make them unhealthy? Volleyball star Gabrielle Reece is a perfect example of this. She’s tall (Amazonian), healthy, and smart. Would you believe that? She has no eating disorder. I have a hard time making sense of your belief that shorter women tend to be more brainer due to the fact they are less approached by men. That is absolutely ridiculous. Intelligence has what to do with pick-up lines? My cousin whom is 5’1′ is one of the most conceited people I’ve ever met. She is constantly ‘hit on’ and is a complete airhead. As I said, I’m tall and thin and recieve many compliments from men and women alike on my body but I’m very grounded, secure, and down-to-earth. Most of the compliments I recieve from men have little to do with my body shape but those that are go in one ear and out the other. So see, if you don’t have the self-esteem the size of a matchstick you don’t let compliments go to your head no matter what your height. Maybe you choose to date shorter women because of a sub-conscience power issue.

User Detail :  

Name : Lisa22778, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Christian, Age : younger, older person, City : Gaithersburg, State : MD, Country : United States,