Floyd L.
Ken, the very problems you see as needing addressing, ‘school violence, our children’s future, our moral decay’, are rooted in our past, ‘One-on-one’ approaches in particular which ignore or discount that fact only perpetuate if not feed the problems. We are no more violent, or immoral that we have been in the past, just hypocriticaly dishonest, and totally void of any long-term and most short-term memory. The violence and immorality of slavery, Jim Crow, organized crime, racial hatred, discrimination and bigotry, religious self righteousness and the pathological greed which has bled off so much of our national wealth into the coffers of so few are important ingredients in the crucible mix that defines us today. We cannot escape this by just ignoring it, for we are defined by it!. How can we not really see this? The sad penchant of too many Americans for over glorifying our few good deeds, too quickly sweeping the many bad deeds under the rug, and believing we can solve a problem without adequately understanding its cause is nearsighted.