Reply To: Female circumcision and Islam



Female circumcision and Islam have nothing to do with each other but because of their close proximity a lot of people tend to think they are connected. Female circumcision is a cultural practice usually in Africa and the Mideast. It is about removing the sexual pleasure of females (the clitoris) and somehow to ‘prevent’ the girl from growing a penis (myth used to scare girls into this practice). It also has to do with the notion of cleanliness, purity and providing pleasure for their future husband. A girl/woman who is not circumcised is considered unclean. The practice was common in areas such as India/Pakistan down through the mid-east and into Africa. Its mostly practice in Africa in which non-Muslim Africans and Christian-Africans still practice this procedure more out of cultural habit than out of religious reasons. You have to understand that Islam has moved into Africa over stages since 640 A.D. Islam is still working its way south into Africa as animist Africans continue to circumcise their females. In a few generations it will seem as if there is a correlation between female circumcision and Islam when there isn’t. It’s a cultural practice that is dying off as Islam deepens into Africa…the practice will end. Yet there are a few holdouts. No different than those few crazy Mormons who still hold onto the practice of bigamy. There is nothing in the Qu’ran that states a woman (or girl) must undergo this procedure. It is not called ‘Muslim’ female circumcision, just female circumcision.

User Detail :  

Name : Patricia19880, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Religion : African Methodist Episcopalian, Age : 38, City : Waukegan, State : IL, Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,