April 20, 2010 at 12:00 am #21790
I think Anitra is is a nice, strong name. I don’t think you’d have trouble being taken seriously. The more extravagant names are kind of silly, especially when they have crazy spellings. Check out the book called Freakonomics. The entire last part is dedicated to analyzing names and how people fare with the names they’re given. Personally, I would find it very difficult to take a person seriously with a name like the ones I think you’re referring to, but I’d have just as hard a time with a grown man named Joey, or a woman named Madison, Maticyn, Katie, or Keighty, Mercedes, or Chastity(which Freakonomics says almost always ends up a stripper). Kids with funky names are cute, but not when they grow up and want corporate or executive jobs.