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It is true that many of us in the American majority deny prejudicial or racist thoughts under the mistaken assumption that it can’t be racism because we as a country have moved beyond that. But are you really sure that ‘more Americans are racist than not?’ Is having a racist thought the same as being racist? I am white. I live in a mostly black neighborhood. In fact, most of my neighborhood is black and Muslim (Somali, Ethiopian, Eritrean). I struggled with ‘racist’ thoughts immediately after September 11 because of the trauma we all felt. I had a difficult time hearing my neighbors speaking Arabic because I associated the language with what had just happened in NYC and DC. Mistaken association? Yes. Racist? Sure. Did I ever lash out at these Muslims, most of whom are good people who came to my neighborhood to escape their war-torn homes and want the same things I want: peace, prosperity for all who work towards it, fair treatment under the law? No, I never lashed out. I never shot them any hateful glares. I berated myself for having these negative thoughts toward my neighbors simply because of the language they were speaking. I challenged myself to change this in myself. As far as I knew up until 9/11, I had never harbored any hate for Muslims or Arabs. September 11 did a number on me, just as I believe the Israeli attacks in the West Bank and Gaza do a number on Palestinians every time they happen, just as I believe the suicide bombings in Jerusalem do a number on Israelis every time THEY happen. The problem in this cases is violence breeding hate breeding more violence breeding more hate and violence … We’re all trying to become better people. Just as racism takes time to learn (generations) it also takes time to unlearn. I’m hopeful that we have reached the point where more people can recognize the racism they may have internalized for what it is and work on changing it. As a gay man, I know what prejudice and hate feel like first hand. Hate and prejudice are terrible things. But as we are human and imperfect, the best we can do is keep trying to wipe them out. We can’t do this through denial. But we also can’t do it with nihlistic sentiments like ‘everyone’s a racist so what the hell. guess the world just has to suck.’

User Detail :  

Name : Kirk26404, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 30, City : Minneapolis, State : MN, Country : United States, Occupation : Marketing, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,