So you think all poor people choose to be poor and all homeless people choose to be homeless? Perhaps this is because of your military background, where a similar all-encompassing observation can be made that all people in this society have a chance to make their own mark and live free, rather than choosing a profession where someone tells you what to do and what to think. Personally, I feel more sorry for you than many homeless and poor. At least many homeless and poor use their brains and hearts to decide for THEMSELVES what is right and what is wrong. (and left, left, left, right, left) Incidentally, deciding what is right and what is wrong must rank in the top ten reasons of WHY people are poor and homeless (you know the slick rich men with gold pinky rings aren’t too terribly concerned about right and wrong, yet you think they are more deserving of your respect than the poor and homeless). Must be nice to have everything paid for and be secure in the warm fuzzy knowledge that you are in the right. Do you think we should call in the national guard to ‘sanitize’ our streets of these people who ‘choose’ to dirty them? Oh, but you’ll probably be too busy war-mongering against other countries to turn your attentions to Americans in the next few months. Still, us poor better watch out after the next ‘enemy’ is defeated.