Reply To: Race relevant to violence?



To say the subject is touchy is an understatement. The inevitable conclusion to what you say is that people are geneticly predisposed to certain crimes. That’s something that insults and slanders just about everybody, labelling blacks as ‘naturally’ violent criminals and whites as closet psychos or inherently greedy. Fortunately the statistics you base this wild claim on are nothing but junk science designed to justify prejudice, and have been consistently proven to be junk. There are two widely used sets of statistics on crime in the US, from the Justice Dept. and the FBI. The FBI’s measure the number of arrests. Based on their’s, blacks make up half of those arrested. Justice’s come from SURVEYS of crime victims, which are far more reliable. They show that @2/3 of all violent criminals are WHITE, believe it or not. So why do the media, politicians, and police continue to cite the misleading sets? It should be pretty obvious, they want to justify or make excuses for some pretty obviously racist treatment of nonwhites. As far as this also being true worldwide, that has some obvious fallacies too. Most countries in the Third World don’t have reliable resources to gather data. The definition of ‘white’ and ‘black’ changes from country to country. In Latin America you can become ‘more white’ by being wealthy, so the soccer star Pele is white in his home country, but black in the US. Finally, other countries, say in Europe, may be making the same distorted reasoning you are, that racist police treatment of nonwhites ‘proves’ nonwhites are more criminal.

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Name : ACC24025, City : W Lafayette, State : IN, Country : United States,