Reply To: Why female circumcision?



Female circumcision, or female genital mutilation, is practiced many different ways, depending on the region and country. It is generally when a woman’s clitoris and perhaps some or all of the surrounding genitalia are removed, often using unsterile implements such as razor blades, rocks, scissors and other other sharp objects. Usually the victim receives no anesthetic, and the healing process involves the woman being bound, legs together, for a long period of time as scar tissue grows over. A small hole is kept open for urine to escape. The severity of the mutilation can range from removal of only the clitoris to complete removal of the clitoris and both inner and outer labia. This painful removal of nerve endings leaves the woman lackingthe ability for sexual arousal or pleasure for the rest of her life. People make many claims about the reason this is practiced: some say it is due to the Muslim faith (although the Koran says nothing about it); others might say it is a cultural practice; others may suggest that the men of those regions feel more secure that their wives won’t cheat on them if they feel neither desire nor pleasure. Female genital mutilation is a horrible and dangerous practice. Many women die from it every year, because of the unclean situations in which they are butchered. Circumcised women also often have difficulty urinating, painful periods and painful and very dangerous childbirths, and they have a high risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and infections. Within the last five years, the United States has realized the cruelty of female genital mutilation and now recognizes it as a valid reason to claim asylum.

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Name : Angela24957, Gender : F, City : Nagasaki, State : NA, Country : Japan,