Look around and you will see suburban-born, college-educated black professionals and millionaires who haven’t got a clue about the ‘hood’ or street life. You will also find blacks who grew up on farms in the country.
That movie is about a black man living a certain lifestyle. But the community of black Americans spans from gangsters in the hood to Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and his son Micheal K. Powell, who heads the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), the governmental body that regulates the AOLs, AT&Ts and CNNs of America. The U.S. Surgeon General, David Satcher, is black. How do you think these people grew up? How do you think business-savvy basketball legend Michael Jordan grew up, or Bryant Gumbel of CBS? Baby Boy is just one movie, and it’s set in South Central Los Angeles; it doesn’t even apply to all black men living in such neighborhoods. I think it’s Singleton’s way of making some people think about life differently.